Chief Executive Officer
My name is Kenji Hirano and I am the CEO of Hirano Certified Public Accountant and Tax Accountant Office.
In 2002, while I was still in graduate school, I passed the second stage of the Certified Public Accountant Examination. Thereafter I joined a major auditing firm, which enabled me to gain practical experience as an accountant. At the audit firm, I was engaged in financial auditing, management consulting, and M&A-related work, and cultivated valuable specialized knowledge and experience that only certified public accountants can obtain.
In 2007, I started working at a major tax accounting firm, but even though I had passed the tax accountant exam as an undergraduate and had done similar research in graduate school, I prioritized the certification as a certified public accountant. It took me a while to regain my feeling for taxation. By working at this major tax accountant corporation, I was able to gain know-how and experience in tax-related operations such as final tax return operations, international tax consulting, and tax due diligence.
Based on these experiences, I wanted to make use of my specialized knowledge and abilities, so in 2009 I opened Hirano Certified Public Accountant and Tax Accountant Office in Nishinari Ward.
This office is not just a tax accountant’s office which specializes exclusively in taxation-related procedures, but it provides a wide range of business support services to all clients, with the aim of becoming a “CPA/tax accountant firm strong in accounting, management, and law.”
Although we are still a small firm, we would like to grow together with our clients.
Thank you for your cooperation.
At Hirano C.P.A. and Tax Accountant Office we believe that it is our mission to act like the heads of our clients’ accounting, general affairs, human resources, and corporate planning departments. Based on this concept, we mainly support the management of small and medium-sized enterprises.
Working at various firms, I have been engaged in financial auditing and accounting consulting since 2002, and in tax reporting and tax consulting since 2007. Over this period, I realized that auditing firms’ scope of work is restricted to “accounting audit services”, while tax accountant firms only provide “taxation-related services.” As a result, they are unable to fully meet the needs of their clients. By contrast, one of our office’s strong points is its setup as a one-stop solutions provider, offering cross-over services covering both accounting and taxation.
In addition, thanks to our experience in accounting audits for large corporations, we have extensive knowledge and know-how regarding corporate organization and management strategies, as well as legal affairs and human resources. We also apply this knowledge to the benefit of our current clients.
We are confident that we can provide highly useful services to all of our clients.
Tax consulting services
We believe that we would not be able to offer services of sufficient value if we were to only stick to the framework of the tax accounting business.
We are not a conventional tax accounting firm that merely calculates your company’s taxes. Much rather, we will go back to the details of the accounting procedures and transactions to see if there are more opportunities for tax reduction or business opportunities. We also provide consulting services that go beyond the framework of the licensed tax accountant business with the knowledge and know-how we have cultivated at auditing firms and licensed tax accountant firms. Our services are listed on the “Services” page, but we can also provide other services upon request.
Other consulting services
We assist corporate management by providing accounting and tax support to corporations and sole proprietors, giving due consideration to the stakeholders involved.
We believe that when you, as a business owner, carry out your business activities, a smooth relationship with stakeholders involved can represent a business opportunity. On the other hand, if the relationship is marred, it can be an obstacle or a detriment to your business. In conducting business, the relationship between you and your stakeholders is important. In a rapidly changing corporate environment, there are also changes in the relationship with shareholders, management, employees, business partners, suppliers, financial institutions, local residents, government agencies (or tax authorities), and other stakeholders. We would like to assist you in fulfilling your accountability (responsibility for reporting on your business activities) towards these stakeholders.